Welcome to Composition to US Experience

Throughout this course, I had to expand my writing to discover different genres and ways to persuade the audience. In order for me to reach that goal, I had to approach the rhetorical situation. The way the rhetorical situation can correspond to is by describing the purpose of the writing. The purpose has to be clear, the audience needs to recognize why the purpose of my writing matters. Another way to approach the rhetorical situation is knowing the audience that the article is designed to. Depending on the type of audience that the writing is meant to, there can be decided what type of wording and information is needed to engage the audience.

The genre of writing contributes to the rhetorical situation, the genre is the type of wording that is being used on the writing. The position that I choose is also part of the rhetorical situation. The way I choose to portray myself can affect the type of wording that I used in my writing. The way I decide to project the purpose of the writing is called the medium. The medium is the pictures or phrases that I use to engage my audience and demonstrates why my writing matters. The design is the way I project the information the type of font, the spacing between the lines, the color of the background all these elements are part of the design that contributes to the rhetorical situation.

When I wrote the identity narrative I had to write about a moment that changed my identity. The process of writing an identity narrative was something that at the beginning seem easy. However, writing in this different genre was really complicated for me because I had to describe a moment that impacted my identity. I had to actually think about a moment that impacted my identity through the whole narrative which was really hard because I believe that even the simplest things can change the course of where your life is going. During my process, I kept thinking if I had actually chosen the right event of my life or that if I had actually changed after being moved up a grade.

During this course, I had to develop strategies to revise and edit my writing. In order to meet these results, I had to review my own essays and my peers to recognize our errors. The steps drafting, revising and editing are steps that help me acknowledge mistakes and can also help me to see my writing from the perspective of the audience. A strategy that helped me for this steps become more efficient is to revise the paper right after I wrote it and at least one day after that way I would recognize mistakes easily. The reason why this strategy helped me was that after a day I would have forgotten all the ideas that I had before and it would give me another chance to see my writing from my audience eyes. Collaborating with my peers help me notice if the evidence that I have is complete or it is missing information.

On every piece of writing, there’s a different genre. The genre is the language that is used to describe the information. The genre is the engaging language that helps me make a connection with the audience. In order to persuade the audience, I need to use clear phrases that won’t confuse the audience. Also, I need to organize the information so the audience can understand with clarity the purpose of my writing.

Having someone else to revise my writing is important because that way I can acknowledge my audience reaction. Then I can use my peer’s feedback for the benefit of my writing. In order to do the peer review, I have to give my peers a hard copy of my writing, that way my peers can read it and annotate and give me suggestions.

On my descriptive essay, I wrote about an old country house that has belonged to my family for decades it belonged to my great grandmother and it was passed on to her children and so on. The peer review in this essay was key for me to know if my audience confused or if they needed more details. Throughout my peer review, I noticed that my audience was kind of confused with some details that I had in my first paragraph. There I came to noticed that I had misspelled a word throughout the whole essay.

Part of my writing experience was to find reliable sources to support my claims. The sources that I had to use had to be academical sources like academic journal articles, magazine, and newspaper articles. Also, I had to evaluate the sources for my credibility and accuracy. Then I had to use sources that would clearly support my reasons and would help me to persuade the audience. The way I had to introduce the sources to my articles is by using MLA style.

Before I introduce the evidence to my writing I have to give a summary of what is my evidence is about and how it contributes to my writing. After I integrate my sources to my piece of writing I have to analyze it. Right after the I state my evidence there’s has to be an explanation on how that evidence was useful to my writing. The explanation has to be a critical analysis of the evidence showing how it synthesizes my argument.

During this course, I have not only learned how to write in different genres and how to engage an audience I have also learned how to find myself through writing. While I was writing all these essays I was not only writing information and facts I also had to put my heart and mind into my writing if I wanted it to make sense. Now at the end of this course, I have found myself a way of describing and organizing my ideas so I world can see the best of me