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Critical Analysis

The purpose of this paper is to focus on a specific position in relation to the chosen topic and explore it more deeply, using research to support and expand upon claims. Choose at least one text from the content section and one from this course as the basis of research. Explore a topic in relation to these texts. Consider own position and compose an essay proving that position, providing evidence from the texts for support. 
This assignment requires deep analysis and a concrete, specific thesis statement. This essay is an opportunity to be critical, ask questions, and make claims based on research and experience. This essay asks to take a side on an issue or draw a conclusion and explain why. The research will include at least five sources from professional journals, research articles instructors have shared with, and or annotated bibliography and will include at least one article that represents an opposing viewpoint. This essay must include in-text citations and a final citation page. Cite all sources in proper APA/ASA format.

  • Use the following criteria when assessing the essay.
       • Do have a clear and arguable position?
       •  To have included background information to provide a context argument?
       •  To have provided good reasons in support argument?
       •  To have provided evidence in support of reasons?
       •  To have demonstrated, through the inclusion of facts and tone, that is a reliable source?
       •  To have considered others’ positions, and responded to them reasonably, even if disagree?
       • Did design essay appropriately? Are there adequate visual elements?  To have considered the appropriateness of a Web text (for an essay that includes videos, for example)?
       • Did cite at least five sources on the subject? Did cite properly?
       • Does the essay have an engaging title?