An identity narrative essay draws the memories and experiences. Identity narratives enable to reflect on these experiences and identify something from them that shapes a part of who is today. Might draw from social events or everyday occurrences. An object might also serve as a memory of a place, activity, or person connected to personal development. The experience is to establish a purpose that forms the basis of identity narrative. It should be a subject matter that is comfortable sharing.
- The narrative is evaluated on whether it has achieved/included the following:
• A well-told story with vivid detail, often with a situation that needs to be resolved
• Some indication of the narrative’s significance
• A revelation or resolution made by the end of the narrative
• To have explored the meaning of event/events in a way that will interest the audience by making connections between personal experience and a larger theme? To have provided enough information so the reader will understand the story and its?
• To have created a setting that allows the reader to imagine the experience?
• Is there a recognizable structure? Are the various ideas in essay brought together, or does the essay seem disjointed?
• To have provided specific details that help the reader understand the subject? Would photographs, drawings, or other visuals help the reader get a better sense of subject?
• Do provide a closing action and reflection on the significance of the event? To have considered in what way it affects life now?
• Does narrative have an engaging title?
• To have proofread and edited the piece for grammatical and punctuation errors?