Writing an identity narrative is to write about a moment that changed one’s identity. The process of writing an identity narrative was something that at the beginning seem easy. However, writing in this different genre was really complicated because we had to describe a moment that impacted our identity. I had to actually think about a moment that impacted my identity through the whole narrative which was really hard because I believe that even the simplest things can change the course of where your life is going. During my process, I kept thinking if I had actually chosen the right event of my life or that if I had actually changed after being moved up a grade.
The hardest thing was explaining everything that I went through when I moved up a grade because I went through it and I actually know why I made the decisions that I made but the audience that is reading my story does not know anything about me so I really have to make it clear for them to acknowledge how I change. The same way I couldn’t write a lot of details because I had a limited space. Also since it was my story I had to made it a certain way that the audience that was reading it could actually see or feel what I want them to see or feel about me.
My motivation during this particular essay was to talk about my transition from tenth grade to twelve, I chose this moment of my life because I change not only my priorities but also my social life. After I moved up to twelve grade my social life started to deteriorate not only because I wasn’t with my friends anymore but because I had other priorities that at the moment seemed more important.
The reason why I wrote about this event of my life was that I wanted people to know that even though we might work hard for something it might not be convenient for us or it might not come only from hard work but also from sacrifices. When I finally got what I wanted, that was to be moved up a grade, I started to realize that even though it was a huge step towards my academical life it was destroying the social life that took me a long time to make. Sometimes the dreams we have are not always convenient for us because I might have made one of the biggest achievements of my life but it was at cost of my youth. The audience that I was aiming to was the young adults because young adults have lots of dreams and have to make a lot of important decisions in their lives. Since young adults are young and inexperienced tend to make a lot of wrong choices thinking that those choices are good for them. I decided to design my essay according to the day when I made the decision of moving up a grade. That day I felt a lot of different emotions that contributed to who I am today that’s why I decided to write my narrative essay the day I made that decision because the moment I choose the school over my friends changed my life.